
Alicia Rhodes

اسماء مستعارة: Alicia Roads, Allicia Rhodes, Alisha Rhodes, Angela Rodes

بلد: United Kingdom

ولد: 1978-09-08

عين: Blue

شعر: Blonde

ارتفاع: 162 cm

وزن: 52 kg

الثدي: Natural

المشاهدات: 3.1K

Alicia Rhodes أشرطة فيديو

1 أشرطة فيديو
Before entering the porn movie business, Alicia was a hairdresser and also taught hairdressing at college. As a child, she idolized Page 3 girls such as Samantha Fox and prayed for large breasts. She first did a photoshoot for a glamour photographer, then went on to do a few hardcore photosets. Those photos went straight to Hustler and her career took off.
Years active: 2002 - present.

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